Closer: Performance, Technologies, Phenomenology. Cambridge MA: The MIT Press, 2007. [355pp, ISSN: 978-0-262-11310-6 / 0-262-11310-4]
Performing Phenomenology: The Work of Choreographer Margrét Sara Guðjónsdóttir, in Phenomenology as Performative Exercise, eds. Lucilla Guidi and Thomas Rentsch, for the Studies in Contemporary Phenomenology series, Brill Publishers, 2020.
Margrét Sara Guðjónsdóttir’s “Full Drop into the Body”. A Conversation with Susan Kozel and Public Discussion, by Margrét Sara Guðjónsdóttir and Susan Kozel, in Energetic forces as aesthetic interventions, eds. Sabine Huschka. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, 2019.
Conspiracy Archives – A Process Archive of an Archival Process. 2018. Co-authored with Margrét Sara Guðjónsdóttir, Jeannette Ginslov and Keith Lim. Researching in/as Motion: A Resource Collection, eds. V. Midgelow, J. Bacon, P. Kramer and R. Hilton. Helsinki: Artistic Doctorates in Europe/TEAK Publications
The Weird Giggle: Attending to Affect in Virtual Reality, by Susan Kozel, Ruth Gibson and Bruno Martelli. Transformations, Journal of Media, Culture and Technology, Special Issue on Technoaffect: Bodies, Machines, Media (Issue 31, 2018)
Visual Materiality: Crafting a New Viscosity, by Maria Engberg, Susan Kozel and Henrik Svarrer Larsen. Proceedings of the Design Research Society 2018 Conference, DRS2018 Limerick, Ireland, Vol.4, 1762-1774
Devices of Existence: Contact Improvisation, Mobile Performances, and Dancing through Twitter, in Improvisation and Social Aesthetics, eds. Eric Lewis and Georgina Born. Durham: Duke University Press, 2017, 268-287.
Performing Encryption, in Performing the Digital ed. Martina Leeker, Imanuel. Shipper and Timon Beyes, Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, 2017, 117-134.
Ginslov, J., (2022) DEEP FLOW: an embodied materiality of dance, technology, and bodily experience for Digital Research in the Humanities and Arts (DRHA) online journal Body, Space & Technology 21(1) DOI:
Ginslov, J., (2022) DEEP FLOW: a tentacular worlding of embodied dance practice, knowing and healing. For Health Humanities in Application, A Palgrave MacMillan Publication. To be published Oct 2022. See: ISBN: 978-3-031-08359-4
Ginslov, J., (2022) RIPPLING OUTWARDLY: expanding the notion of Screendance archives with Augmented and Mixed Reality for the International Journal of Screendance Vol 13, Choreographing the Archive, 2022 DOI: Article link:
Ginslov, J., (2021) PhD Thesis Deep Flow: a tentacular worlding of dance, biosensor technology, lived experience and embodied materials of the human and non-humankind from London South Bank University School of Applied Science & Arts and Creative Industries.
Ginslov, J. co-authored with Susan Kozel, Margrét Sara Guðjónsdóttir and Keith Lim (2018) Conspiracy Archives – A Process Archive of an Archival Process. Researching in/as Motion: A Resource Collection, eds. V. Midgelow, J. Bacon, P. Kramer and R. Hilton. Helsinki: Artistic Doctorates in Europe/TEAK Publications
Ginslov, J. (2016) Temporal Scaffolding: A Collaborative and Networked Infrastructure of Techne, Screendance, AR, Affect, Audiences and Smart Mobile Devices, in: Baker, C. C. and Sicchio, K. (eds.) Intersecting Art and Technology in Practice. Techne/Technique /Technology. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, New York and London, pp. 112-127. DOI:
Ginslov, J. (2015) P(AR)ticipate: body of experience/body of work/body as archive